The past era of missions at CBC… Samaria Mission came into existence in 1977 when Hennie and Rina Venter felt the Lord’s call upon their lives. Their ministry was mainly focussed in rural Northern Province in the Lebowa area.
In 1989 Samaria Mission became a ministry of Christ Baptist Church, at the time the organisation was operated from Mokopane. In 2003 the organisation was moved to Polokwane, the administration offices were housed at the CBC campus and the practical and logistical operations were operated from a small holding on the perimeter of town, fondly known as “The Mission Farm”.
Hennie Venter served as Director/Mission Pastor until 2006. After which William Vaughan took on this role until 2018, at this time Brad Hixon took over the reins until he returned to the USA at the end of 2019. After this time William Vaughan resumed the role until January 2022.
The Elders of CBC had to come to a point where they made a decision regarding missions at CBC. They believed that Missions should be driven from the church and not through an organisation – although Samaria Mission was a ministry of CBC many saw missions in the light of something the “professional” missionaries did, this was excluding the majority of the church from being involved in missions.
The Elders believe that the main focus of missions at CBC should be Church Planting, Church Strengthening, and Church Revitalisation. And because of this conviction, it was decided that Samaria Mission would no longer operate as it had done in the past, it would mainly serve an administrative role in missions and ministry support.
Therefore, missions is now known as “Christ Baptist Church Missions” at CBC, which is under the leadership of the elders and served by a Mission’s Committee. William and Sharyn Vaughan now serve as missionaries sent out by CBC. Their area of ministry is in Church Strengthening. They currently are assisting Pastor Simon Vuragu and The Chief Shepherd Baptist Church in Chikombedzi, Zimbabwe.
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