Current Area: Dunnottar Baptist Church

Dunnottar is a town between Nigel and Springs in the Southeastern part of the Gauteng Province, South Africa.

Dunnottar Baptist Church was on the verge of closing when CBC was approached and asked if we could come alongside this church to help with the revitalisation of this church. After visiting the church, the CBC Missions Committee thought this would provide an excellent pastoring opportunity for a graduate of Christ Seminary and would be a blessing to our church to be involved with the Lord’s work.

Pastor Frans Van Zyl, the then third-year student at Christ Seminary, was approached about this vacant position. After visiting the church and preaching for a few Sundays, Frans felt led to pursue shepherding this flock permanently. Frans graduated from Christ Seminary with a BTh degree in February 2023 and plans to relocate his family to Dunnottar where he can become a full-time pastor of this church as soon as suitable accommodation and employment for his wife can be found as the family is dependent on her salary.

Prayer requests for Donnattar Baptist Church

  • For Wisdom as Frans continues to feed the church the unadulterated word of God.
  • For Wisdom as Frans tackles the administration challenges.
  • For Sufficient financial support so that Frans can be full-time in ministry